$65. Now Less 40%!
As a composer (or as a music artist more in general) you aren’t just some generic freelancer, which is why some universal contract template won’t protect your time, money, or ideas.
We’ve got you covered
What can a client do with you work?
Most musicians think that just because a client commissioned them, the client can use their work any way they want. Not true. Our contract template, drafted around the needs of artists in the music industry, makes it easy for you to determine how your music will be used; for example, if a client commissioned you to create a score for a company reel and they use it in a feature film later on, they will owe you money.
Get paid for every revision
Get paid every time your client asks for more revisions. We will show you how to establish an initial limit to revisions and get paid for additional revisions the client may request.
Get paid 50% to start a new project
Your time is of course very important! That’s why it’s only right that a client supplies a deposit prior to you committing your valuable time and creativity to their project.
No more waiting for your final payment
Often times, freelancers (and in this case music artists) get pressured on finishing a project. Yet, when it’s completed and the time comes to get paid, the client takes weeks or even months to present a final payment. This Music Artist Contract will put an end to that by clearly establishing additional fees for late payments made by clients.
Kill fee
Just as deposits help protect you from doing a lot of work and not getting paid for it, a Kill Fee serves a similar purpose, only better! Clients are responsible for the work you lost when you turned other clients away. ... and more!
What you’ll receive
You’ll instantly receive the contract in Portable Document Format (.PDF), Rich Text Format (.RTF), Plain Text Document (.TXT), and Microsoft Word Document (.DOCX) formats, making it easy to customize the contract to your specific needs.
If you are a multi-talented artist, however, you may want to give all our contracts a look, to make sure that all your creations (and your time) will be protected, whether they are a beautiful picture, a great piece of content for your client’s website or a jaw-dropping website.
I’ve worked on a project and ended up doing over 3 dozen revisions. With The Freelance Composer Contract I was able to establish how many revisions I would allow before the project started. Another thing I love about this contract is that it is written specifically for Composers. It protects my copyright, time, and insures I will be paid on time. I wish I had this contract when I was starting out!
– Matthew Simms